#i am the river’s daughter.
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bucksprettygirl · 1 year ago
i needed to be fed. and so i fed myself.
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expectiations · 8 months ago
I think if I found out that my best friend had a daughter who was poked and prodded, abused and raised as a weapon – not a human, not a child, but a WEAPON – because of ME, and that said daughter was also apparently the same person as the woman who I met in another lifetime regeneration who sacrificed herself for ME the future we would have together, it would be a pretty ingenious way of stabbing several knives into my hearts at once and then twisting it for maximum pain and the horrors.
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softestaries · 1 year ago
raise your hand if you went to watch the new hunger games and couldn't stop thinking about the gay dead wizards bc
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jam-packed · 2 months ago
ive made this post before but now that ive actually watched iwtv (2022) i can concretely say that louis and lestat are almost exactly like marc and vale, respectively. like insane amount of overlap.
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weezerlvr228 · 8 months ago
Pinkerton son or blue album daughter
I love Pinkerton and all the songs, but if I ever met a guy who related to ANY of the songs it would be a giant red flag😭 (except for Rivers)
blue album daughter all the way!!!
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apricusapollo · 8 months ago
the raeken siblings
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megaclubdiolis · 4 months ago
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柄本 佑 || 「光る君へ」 (2024) · 第四十二回 「川辺の誓い」 ​​​
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cecenyss · 1 year ago
Tfw you have an OC idea that’s just as nonsensical and bullshit as your other ones but this one is something your friend has deep emotional feelings towards and you know for a fact she will not forgive you for creating it
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abyssmalice · 11 months ago
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so, hmmmmm.
i caved and wrote up a rough overview of the snezhnaya princess tonitoni AU :)
To start - while I have specific ideas for this AU, I still intend to write this verse very loosely. Which is to say, while there are some core details that will be prevalent no matter what, everything else remains up for negotiation/discussion when writing together.
This verse is super duper suuuuuper non-canonical as is and for pure indulgence - I'm not going to be very stringent in how this verse plays itself out, essentially.
Core Details:
As this AU implies - in this verse, Tonia is officially recognized as the Tsaritsa's daughter.
However, she is NOT her biological daughter - even publicly, she is understood to have been adopted, though her exact origins are a mystery to everyone besides the Tsartisa's closest and most trusted.
Additionally, while Tonia is considered a princess as part of the Tsaritsa's lineage, she is NOT recognized as her successor - which is to say, she is not expected to become the next Cryo Archon nor even a human Tsaritsa to rule over Snezhnaya.
Semi-Core Details (aka how I personally justify this AU existing, and will primarily run by this premise unless discussed otherwise):
Tonia's origins still align with canon - she was born to a large middle class family in Morepesok.
However, like the primary Harbinger AU, she had followed her brother into the Abyss, died and was resurrected by the Irminsul, and returned to Teyvat as the sole survivor - similarly, her traumas unconsciously influenced the local leylines, causing inexplicable natural disasters in the region.
But here is where it diverges - one of these natural disasters ended up being a rare earthquake-caused tsunami, which due to the already chaotic nature of the leylines at this time, was amplified to the point of having a very devastating impact on the port town of Morepesok.
Even more unfortunately, this tsunami wiped out the rest of Tonia's family from how extremely abrupt and immensely dangerous it was. Tonia herself survived only due to her Irminsul biology forcing her into a hibernating, preserved state akin to the Petrified Trees in domains.
Due to the sheer scale of damage, Dottore was not the only Harbinger dispatched to the area. As such, when Tonia was eventually located in the submerged ruins of the town, the doctor was not able to freely spirit her away in secret for closer study in his labs.
Instead, with the permission of the surviving residents of Morepesok, she was taken to the capitol by the Fatui as a special but proper patient - with her case eventually presented to the Tsaritsa, once a diagnosis of her clearly inhuman condition was determined and Resin was used to wake her up.
Of course, Tonia wasn't happy to learn what happened while she was essentially comatose - hearing that her hometown was nearly wiped off the map and her whole family's passing, on top of her other traumatic experiences with her brother and the Abyss... she nearly evoked every possible natural disaster at the same time from the sheer devastation of the news.
In light of this entire situation, the Tsaritsa thus took Tonia in as her own child - promising and reassuring Tonia that as an Archon, she would not be defeated or killed so easily, and thus never leave the girl alone.
That said, adopting Tonia does serve multiple purposes for the Tsaritsa. For example, this allows the Archon to keep a cautious eye on a girl with strange but immense powers. Additionally, Tonia will receive protection against other forces who may want to misuse and weaponize her, such as the Abyss Order. And - most importantly, it grants a new, loving family to a child in tragic need of it.
As a result of all of the above - Tonia is very emotionally dependent on the Tsaritsa, who she calls her Mother. Tonia also suffers from PTSD, anxiety, abandonment issues, and a mild fear of drowning.
In terms of personality - she is a quiet and soft-spoken girl with a rather caring heart. So caring in fact, that she may become a little to extremely willful and stubborn, if only in wanting the best for others, and especially those she loves.
Altogether, this makes her carry a faint air of naivety, but not innocence; her eyes remain a very dull blue even years later, as her memories of the Abyss and the traumatic experiences that followed will never leave her, and she's still more than capable in a fight - even if she's not on par to stronger people like her mother.
Due to having been raised as literal royalty with the consequent quality of education and tutoring, Tonia is fairly learned in multiple aspects. She has elegant etiquette, cultured knowledge of Snezhnaya and the world at large, and can handle the average conversation with diplomats and politicians. She's much more average with mathematics and the sciences however.
After the experience of being forced into a "petrified" state as a child, her hair is now wired to be a permanent gradient of brown to silvery-white, with the ends of her hair always being the latter. That said, if using her abilities to the fullest, all of her hair will turn white, and can still grow out into branches of Irminsul in extreme cases.
"Not as crucial and can be ignored if you want" Details:
Tonia carries around a plush toy gifted to her at all times. All. Times.
Her moniker/nickname is "Snowflower" - or "The Pure Flower of the First Snow" among the more flamboyant (and hobby-less) tabloids, as she is likened to a flower sprouting and blooming after overnight snowfall; lovely and kind, with no noticeable flaws or obvious complaints surrounding her, though her general quietness ensures she tends to be overlooked, much like any white flower would be against a backdrop of white snow.
There is a notable fraction of nobles in Snezhnaya's politics that tend to debate and encourage for Tonia to be acknowledged as the Tsaritsa's official heir - either for the throne of Snezhnaya or Archonhood or both. Of course, the reasoning is often not benign; there is a hope for political or financial benefit that may be reaped by associating and/or currying favor with Tonia on some level.
While Tonia isn't being trained as a successor, she is nonetheless assisting the Tsaritsa in a secretarial fashion (or rather, forced her way into the role, because she really really really wants to help :( and spend more time with her mother). Her primarily duties are clerical work and managing the palace staff - nothing more, because the Tsaritsa wants to keep her out of the political and militaristic side of things.
However, Tonia's affinity for the leylines allows her to gain information wherever - as a result, she's become her own one-man intelligence network independent of the Fatui, and has been sneakily adding her findings to her mother's reports where possible. Though she has to be inconspicuous about it, lest someone start questioning the source of said additional info.
That said, because of said intelligence work + occasionally sneaking looks at more confidential documents that Tonia isn't supposed to be reading, only organizing for her mother - she's gradually noticed the more morally grey to black activities that the Fatui commits and that the Tsaritsa technically stamps her approval on. Tonia has yet to raise the subject, since she dearly cares for her mother and understands what kind of person she is, but she is also a little uneasy and concerned because of it all.
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errsaufen · 8 months ago
RULES: bold what applies - italicize sometimes - strike out never. Tag some friends to play along! Repost, don’t reblog !
SUN • egotistical • melted wax wings and fingers • stretching sunburnt skin • the most generous soul • blood in the fruit • halos • anger on fire • high vitality • thunderous laughter • is pride really a sin? • halogenic aura
MERCURY • expansion of the mind • silver-tongued • an everlasting wanderer • polyglot • high dexterity • handwritten letters • innately critical • en vogue • eyes in the trees • hidden libraries • there’s always room for improvement
VENUS • in love with strangers • iridescent waters • love potions for your mirror • selfless devotion • shattering crystal • seafoam upon sand • the golden ratio • drowning in your own passion • material value & high principles • luring • plush lips
EARTH • fresh springs • tree hugger • we can start again tomorrow • a blazing rainforest • respects survival of the fittest • nature’s adversity • lazy bones • constantly evolving • flowers sprouting from wounds • a granite altar • fossilized remains
MOON • illusory • silver shimmer off the ocean • secrets and gossip • cycles of reincarnation • a crybaby • physically ethereal • shared glances with a stranger • cat eyes • mistrusting their intuition • fear is a prison • ornate magic wands
MARS • healthy competition • attraction and repulsion • magma and rubies • a blade being forged • wrath wrath wrath • malefic • intense eye contact • cannon fodder & fireworks • blood floods • copper taste on your tongue
JUPITER • red robes and a suit of armor • beacon of stability • leader by birth • thunderbolts and lightning • guilty but can’t stop • secret rich kid • golden touch golden tears • innate optimist • failure isn’t an option • constantly reaching for more • unfinished symphonies
SATURN • traditional • overbearing energy • a sculptor of reality • this existence is a karmic one • has a heart it’s just... way down deep • law, order & justice • avoid all necessary risk • the sound of shackles clanging • sisyphus’ struggle • grappling with the reality of time • self-governing
URANUS • psychedelic funk music • overflowing cups • a rebellion with skin • looking good in photo id • oblivious but caring • middle fingers in the air • double rainbows • icy diamond exterior • holographic • afraid of their own mediocrity • pearlescent smoke
NEPTUNE • an elegy for the lost • dissolving boundaries • white horses • the burden of mystical conditions • deceptive • escapism is their reality • a polarizing entity • artists soul • paranoia • searching for the unseen • a siren’s swan song
PLUTO • angel statues over graves • power • the cycle of necrosis • transformative • unfathomable depths • an ivory tower toppling over • screaming at the sky • violets and irises • eclipsed darkness • speaks with their shadow • sex, death, rebirth
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whchwitch · 2 years ago
do you ever wonder about the gossip repercussions in the white tower after Moiraine's exile? I mean if the show keeps their backstory just like new spring, Siuan and Moiraine being together was common knowledge for the whole tower and Moiraine didn't hold back on the emotions (!!!)... I can totally picture the Sisters going all "WOW. MOIRAINE STILL HAS FEELINGS FOR THE AMYRLIN"
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displayheartcode · 11 months ago
not to be that person, but the water is fine by chloe ament is such a great song to listen to when you’re rereading the old kingdom books
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oaklores · 2 years ago
I love when people just say things to me. Like when that lady in juice aisle of the grocery store starts telling me about how she needs a bigger cart because she keeps “buying too much fucking shit” at 8:30 in the morning. Like yes tell me all about it!!!!
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overmorrowpine · 2 months ago
hey silt verses fandom, i haven't seen much past s2, but thoughts on the water is fine by chloe ament as a faulkner song?
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haethealhell · 7 months ago
everytime i see an edit of percy jackson with the song The Water Is Fine i start violently screeching in ecstasy
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swallowtail-ageha · 1 year ago
It sucks being a seth×maria/seth×irina enjoyer because you cant talk about it since all the shippers are dickweeds and most of the evichro fandom that isn't some specific discord servers is composed by 14 yos or people in their 20s who act like 14 yos that can't stomach anything with darker themes than a shounen anime because there is so much to explore about it
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